Hennapreneur Podcast henna podcast for henna artists

 November 19, 2019


Chelsea Stevenson: Welcome to the Hennapreneur podcast. The exclusive podcast of its kind, dedicated to giving you an honest look at the reality of making a living as a henna professional. I'm your host, Chelsea Stevenson, professional henna artist and business strategist. I teach budding henna artists and seasoned henna pros alike how to build vibrant, profitable businesses doing what they love. I went from being the girl who could barely piece together a fluid design to being owner of the most celebrated henna boutique in my city. And with years of experience growing my own business and helping others to do the same, I'm here to spill all the tea on what it takes to be a bonafide hennapreneur. Our show starts in just under 60 seconds, but first, here's a quick shout out to my sponsors.

This episode is sponsored by the Hennapreneur eMagazine! Whether you're just getting started, you're ready to go pro, you've got a solid business, or you're ready to scale, Hennapreneur has a free downloadable e-magazine that's ready just for you with insights on how you can better build your business in that phase of the game. Each volume features articles specifically for that particular part of the henna journey. So head on over to hennapreneur.com and download your free copy today! All right, let's get to the show.

Hey, hey hennapreneurs! You know, I don't know if it's just that there's something in the air, the fact that, you know, we're coming towards the end of November already — which, I don't know about you, but like, for me, I feel like I sneezed and the year 2019 just blew on by. It's kind of ridiculous — but right now I'm in a place where I just can't help but to keep my eyes focused on the year 2020 and I don't know if it's just me. Maybe it's you. I definitely am feeling the pressure knowing that we are literally all of, like, 40-some days away from the end of the year and the start of a new year, which is also the start of a new decade. Like, tell me if that doesn't ring in your bones. And I've gotta be honest, it has been really difficult for me to focus my attention on the present because I am so excited by what's coming in the future.

And so I just I wanted to talk to you guys a little bit about the, you know, the upcoming year, about goal setting, and about the importance of really setting intentions for this new time that's upon us. And I realize that this might sound a little bit woo. I realize that it might sound a little bit like, I don't know, maybe it's strange to you. Maybe it's like, "Seriously Chelsea?" But seriously, friends, I am so excited by the new energy that comes in with the new year and I've been focusing, again, focusing my attention and focusing my eyes, my time, my heart, um, my mind on those things that I want to see take place in the year 2020. So I figured, why not chat about it, right? Like, I'm just going to get really raw and open and honest with you guys about, you know, about the things that I want to see in the year 2020.

And I really hope that with my willingness to just be open about, you know, my own goals and hopes for the new year that, um, that that will inspire you to also look at your own goals and look at your own wants and just realize that you can achieve them and realize that you have the right to want those things too, right? So, um, can we like, can we just start there? Because I feel like there's a lot of unpacking to do right there. So, like, I don't know about you, but for me, one of the challenges that I've had for a long, long time — and this comes down to, like, from childhood upbringing, right? This is definitely a part of who I am and it's something that I have to work on every single day — is the failure for me to give myself permission to do the things that I want to do. It's my failure to give myself permission to want the things that I want. It's my failure to put my own, uh, I'm going to call them desires, my own desires, my own hopes first, because I always kind of come from that place of service. And I don't know, I mean, I feel like everyone has a part of this in their story, but certainly, if you're a parent, I'm sure that you can relate. Certainly if you're a spouse, I'm sure that you can relate. Even us as hennapreneurs, you know, we are constantly in service to other people. That is how we make our livings, right?

And so for me, you know, I juggle being in service to my clients, being in service to my husband, you know, in our marriage, being in service to my children in our homeschool or in just raising them, being in service, you know, to the community in varying ways, and being in service to— just, it's a lot. It's a lot. And I was raised in a household with a single parent and I was the eldest of all of my siblings. So for me, it's first nature for me to want to be in service to other people because it feels like I'm capable, you know? Like, I know that if someone needs something then I'm going to be able to deliver on it. I know that if there's a want for something that I can provide it and, um, being— while, you know, of course, while of course that's a very powerful thing and in some ways that can be very healthy, it also can become unhealthy if, um, you know, if and when I neglect my own needs and my own wants out of the want to serve someone else. And I don't know if that resonates with you at all. I'm sure that it must in some small way. And if it doesn't, and if this is kind of, like, not sticking at all, that's okay. This is still just me speaking my heart.

But for me, I've found that, certainly I— when I feel like there's a need for someone else, I will put my own wants on the back burner and one of the things that I really made the shift away from in this past year, over the year of 2019 and honestly beginning in 2018, was learning to say no. Like, learning to say no to, um, to requests. Learning to say no to expectations. Learning to say no to those things that made me feel heavy and that made me, um, that made me feel like I was going beyond what my heart could handle, right? Like, I felt like— I largely felt like, in many aspects, that I was kind of bending to people. And this is something that it seems strange, right? Like, if you've had the chance to get to know me at all, you know that I've got quite a strong personality. But, um, one of the challenges that I've had over the years is that as strong as that personality may be, I dislike confrontation. I dislike making people feel uncomfortable. I dislike having to turn people away. This really, it's not something that I enjoy. Um, I love being able to be of service. I love being able to help others. And so, uh, for me, this — over the years, um, definitely, and I'm just going to be really, really honest, definitely since getting married, I— like, I don't know if my husband is listening to this episode if so, shout out to you, bae — but I definitely see that, especially since getting married, there was a very big shift in who I was and how I behaved and how I operated. And I took on this more passive role, um, I feel. And in some ways this was healthy, but in some ways I think I took it a little bit too far. And over the past seven years of marriage, I definitely found that I, um, I kind of lost, I kind of lost the part of me that was, I don't know, that kind of knew her own bounds, and that made her own rules, and that kind of just, you know, came out from the crowd and just did her own thing.

And so, certainly over the past two years, I've found that I've made a shift. Um, and it has been a shift that has rocked many of my relationships. It's definitely changed the, um, the context of my relationship with my spouse. It has definitely changed the way that I deal with my kids. It has definitely changed, you know, the way that I interact with my parents. Um, it one hundred percent has changed the way that I interact with, you know, other people in our industry, in the henna industry, and in general. And that change took place when I decided that I was no longer going to allow myself to be bound by the expectations of others. And, um, that change really did, um, it opened up my eyes to so much opportunity and so much possibility for my own growth and for my own evolution. And when I look at the changes that I've seen in myself, personally, over that time, I just— I can't help but to, like, really want to clap it up for myself, if I can be really honest. Um, because I've seen so much personal growth, personal gain and that has extended beyond just my individual experience and in my choosing to step into my own self and my own, you know, just, authentic wants, needs, desires, opinions, ideas, and me being willing to be vulnerable and choosing to do that. I've seen how impactful I've been able to be in the lives of others as well. And so, that is enough to really let me know that, you know, making that change was worth it and making that change, um, was definitely needed. And I love it.

But kind of coming back, right? Kind of coming back and bringing that full circle, I feel like, as we go into the year 2020, the sky really is the limit. And so when I look back at, you know, this past year, 2019, and even in 2018 and I see where I made that change, um, to really let go of the expectations of others, to let them just fall by the wayside, and to stay true and to stay authentic to who I am, and to my beliefs, and to my thoughts, and ideas, and opinions. I look and I just— I see the growth that took place and I can only imagine what 2020 could bring along with it if I continued in that same vein.

And I share this with you because I feel like oftentimes we as women, as, uh, service— again, women who, not just women who, of course, there's the cultural context of, you know, women and servitude and, uh, passivity, and um, you know, being politically correct, and being all of those things, right? Like being soft and gentle and dainty and all of that. Like, there's all of that cultural context as well. But when you add on, you know, the aspect of, um, the fact that we are, we are constantly in service to our clients and to, you know, perhaps to our loved ones or to our friends and family and so forth, um, I think that it really is, it's high time that we kind of took a step back and said, "You know what? 2020 is a new— it's a new dawn. It's a new era. It's time for us to really go after and chase after those things that we want."

And so I've been really rolling around in my mind the things that I want for myself in 2020, not just in the year 2020, but even just in the upcoming decade that's to follow. And, um, so there are a couple of things that, you know, for me, really stand out. And I figured that I'd share them with you and if they resonate with you, great! And if they don't, that's okay too. Um, but I kinda just want to inspire you and encourage you to think about those things that, um, that have you excited about 2020 and that you feel like really should be at the top of your new year, I'm not even gonna call it a new year resolution, but, like, your new year, new decade, new life bucket list, if you will.

So the first for me, um, I definitely want to continue to focus on healthy mindset. And I'll tell you, um, I have spent quite a lot of time, um, focusing on the adjustment of my mindset. You know, making sure that I was cultivating healthy mindset. Um, and I've done this. I mean, I've done this in a number of ways, everywhere from, you know, choosing to lean into coaches, leaning into mentors, also, you know, visiting with a therapist. You guys, going to therapy, it's a good thing. It is definitely something that is worthwhile. Um, you know, spending time reading, taking time to journal, taking the time to meditate or to just sit in silence and really be aware of one's thoughts and feelings. Like, all of those little shifts have been things that have helped me, um, to begin to cultivate a healthy mindset and to allow that to flourish. And I really would love for that to continue to be a highlight in 2020. And when I think about one of my goals for 2020, I want to see that healthy mindsets really continue to grow. And when I say a healthy mindset, I mean it not just from the perspective of, you know, being happy or being content or being, um, you know, feeling gratitude — All of those things are great — uh, but even healthy in the sense that, you know, that I'm aware of and acknowledging of the abundance of the universe around me and, um, and of the opportunities that exist around me and of my own potential. And I think that, you know, having a healthy mindset isn't only about expressing gratitude for what you have, but also expressing gratitude for what you— for that potential that lives inside of you, um, that capacity that lives inside of you that you've yet to even been able to meet, right? Um, and so really just coming to trust your gut and trust your feelings and trust your intuition, I feel like that all plays into healthy mindset. And so this is something that for me is front and center for 2020.

I also, you know, I want to spend time working to really improve on healthy relationships. And I have to tell you, this is something that is— it's hard for me because I am an introvert and not only am I an introvert, but I also am incredibly independent. Um, going back to, you know, being raised by a single parent and we were military, we moved around a lot. I developed a personality type, if you will, where, um, I'm very resilient and I don't require very much from anyone. I'm very self sufficient. Um, and in some ways, those are all very healthy traits. And to be able to describe yourself in that way, um, for some and in the right context, is excellent. But I also realize that for me this can lend itself to being a little bit of a weak spot in that, uh, when it comes to relationships, I find that, you know, my ability to just move on, my ability to— that resilience can come off as indifference. Um, and my ability, again, to just be flexible and to move on when something goes wrong can sometimes be misread as me not caring. And it's not how it is, it's just— it's how it could be perceived. And so for me, I think that, you know, in 2020 I really want to work on my relationships. I'll tell you, uh, just from a, you know, from the Hennapreneur perspective, right? I feel like I have a— I do an excellent job when it comes to, um, you know, creating and maintaining relationships with my clients. I'm very, very good at that. And I love the relationships that I'm able to build with them.

But, um, when it comes to work and home, this is something also that I even have to kind of really put on, you know, put towards the top of my list because I love my work. I love my work. I love getting to serve clients. I love, you know, going to the henna boutique and meeting with my clients and creating for them and going to events and meeting with people at networking, you know, functions and I love, you know, Hennapreneur. I love teaching my students. I love coaching. I love doing consulting. I love— like, I love all of the things. I love my work. And, um, while that's such a blessing to have the ability to love my work in such a way, I also have to be very mindful because my love for my work can sometimes translate into, uh, my willingness or perhaps, perceived willingness, to kind of brush over those relationships that one might take for granted. Like your relationship with your spouse or, um, you know, with friends and whatnot. And so, one of the things that I'd like to see myself do more in 2020 is definitely, uh, take more time for those relationships that matter. I really do need to — um, I feel like I really do need to do a better job of reminding myself what I work for, right? I work for, of course, for the legacy and for my children to see, um, to see Mom do these things and really to serve as a role model for them. But I also, um, just want to kind of keep it front and center for myself that the family that I have also needs me to be present. And so, um, you know, managing those relationships and really just focusing on having healthy relationships, um, in the new year is definitely towards the top of my list as well.

Um, of course there is also, you know, the — and I feel like this is so cliche. I feel like this one is so cliche, but you guys bear with me, okay? — There's, of course, there's that, um the want for health in the physical sense as well. Um, this year I made some very, very significant changes, um, you know, in the context of physically, you know, getting healthy and so forth. And in the year 2020 I don't want to see any of those changes go for naught, right? And so, for me, definitely making sure that I, uh, take care of my body. And this is something like, again, I feel like it's so cliche and this is, like, literally not me saying, "You guys, we all need to hit the gym at three in the morning every day." That is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that I feel called in 2020, definitely, to honor my body in a way that I have not honored it for many years. And, um, honoring it through, you know, good nutrition, honoring it through giving it the work that it needs. Literally, the act of expending energy. Giving it— um, you know, if that's stretching, if that's yoga, if that's twerking, like, I don't know what that's going to be for me yet, but I want to find that thing, um, to give my body the movement that it needs. And not necessarily from a physical perspective in that like, "Oh, you know, it must— you know, I must be physically active for the, you know, for the resolution or whatever." but I feel as though there is so much energy that's expended in other ways and I am the person who will expend mental energy all day long and, like, that— I will run myself into the ground. I literally, I get up in the morning and I get to work. And I work until the day is done and expending that sort of mental energy is great and it's fulfilling for me, but I also— I feel like in some ways, um, because I am willing to expend that mental energy, I'm less prone to expending the physical energy that my body also requires, you know? And so, I don't know about you guys, like, if this is resonating at all, but for me, I look at— I'm like, "Okay, Chelsea. What's it gonna be?" So in 2020 my hope is also to honor my body a little bit more through that, um, you know, by, again, by honoring the energy that it has, that it requires.

Um, and honestly another one is with better sleep. With better sleep. This is a big one for me. Um, and I have already started making changes to my schedule. I've already started making changes to my workflows and so forth so that I can get better sleep. As— you know, when you sleep well your body heals better, your body performs better, your body is just, it's so much more, um, it's just— it's better. It's better all the way around. And as someone who also has a history of dealing with mental health issues, you know, I've been open and honest in the past and in other forums. I don't know if I've mentioned it here on the podcast, uh, prior or not, but if not, here we go. I, um, I am someone who has a history of dealing with depression and anxiety and this, you know, having those diagnoses. Um, I have to be aware of my sleep. If I don't sleep well I find that my mental health definitely, definitely takes a hit. And, um, of course, when you're running a business and when you're responsible for children and when you're managing a household, you have to be aware of your mental health as well. So I'm really, uh, wanting to see myself put more focus on my physical health. Um, and I'm hoping that I'll also see— by making those changes, um, that I'll also, you know, continue to see improvement in my mental health as well. Which is, you know, it ties, again, back to that healthy mindset.

And then of course, of course you guys know I couldn't, I couldn't leave this out. My last piece is that I definitely want to focus on, you know, continuing to build my career. Um, and you know, Hennapreneur was built on this foundation, right? Like, I want to see henna artists have successful, profitable, thriving businesses. Like, that is what I do. That is what I teach. That is what I love. And I do that by example, right? And, um, so for me, I know that, you know, 2019 was an amazing year for my local business, for Cardamom and Clove Henna. And I know that, I mean, even 2018 was a phenomenal year. And I just look to 2020 and I think, "What's next?" And I have, you know, I have plans for my business and I'm excited about them. There's some different things that I want to launch. There are some different things that I want to improve upon inside of my business and I'm really, really excited for them. Um, and so, you know, for 2020, I look and I'm like, I want to take my business and I want to double down. Like, literally, I — like, no, this is not me just using fun language — I want to double my business in 2020. And I feel that it's possible. Um, I'm looking, you know, at my revenue projections. I'm looking at the way that things have gone over the past few years and I can totally see it being possible for me to do that. And, um, and I'm really excited by this. And so, of course, for my business, I look and I just think to myself, "Wow! You know, 2020 is— it holds so much potential and I hold so much potential going in, but I have to also—" I left this one for last because I have to also place those other things as a priority before I can expect to reap the benefits of, um, of that higher self in my business. Does that make sense?

And so for me, I bring it up to you also in this order because I hope that you have lofty goals for yourself in 2020. I really do. I hope that, like, the sky is the limit. I hope that you have, you know, something on your mind that, like, makes you really scared and that makes you really excited, but that lights you up inside. And at the same time, I want to — while encouraging you to make, you know, to take action towards that and to be forward moving towards that, absolutely — I also want to, again, kind of lead by example in saying that before you can see those changes in your business, before you can see that, um, that increase in your business, before you can see that bounty, you first have to take care of you. And so I don't know what goals you have going forward. I don't know what things are exciting you about 2020 and I don't know what things might be on your list of "I Gotta Make That Happen" But I hope that you'll choose to prioritize first those things that fulfill you as an individual. I hope that you'll choose to prioritize first those things that will make you feel whole and make you feel complete and will allow you to operate at your highest self, um, and that will allow you to operate in such a way where you feel so fulfilled at the end of the day that you're like, "Yeah, I can't wait to get up and do it again tomorrow and there's nothing but success written for me." Like, that is what I want for you in 2020. That's what I want for myself in 2020, right? So, like, I'm putting it out there in the universe for all of us, okay? But, truly I do, I hope that, um, I hope that in me just sharing my little— my thoughts on this and my little experience, if you will, as we kind of come to the close of 2019 and we start to move into 2020, um, I hope that this gives you also a little bit of insight as to what it looks like. Like, just what this looks like.

Business, you know, as a hennapreneur, it's not easy. Running a business is not easy. Having, you know, having a team is not easy. You know, serving clients is not easy. Having all of these things is not easy. It's not easy. Um, and I don't ever want to— I don't ever want it to come off as though it's easy. It's not. It's a lot of freaking hard work. It is a lot of grind. It is a lot of hustle. Um, there's a lot of sacrifice, I'll say. Um, and I feel like, perhaps, you know, recently someone asked a question and it kind of made me feel like perhaps there is an air of, "Well, Chelsea's doing it all and, like, Chelsea's doing it well, and that means that Chelsea's like— it's just easy," and it's really not. Like, I really want you guys to know, fam, like, it— this is hard work. Um, this is hard work — but! — but I'll tell you 100% that every time I make the decision to trust me, right? When I make the decision to trust, and when I say me, I mean that inner voice, that spirit, again, that intuition, that gut feeling, that higher version of me that says, "This is what we're doing and this is why." And for noble reasons, right? Like, not just listening to the ego. Not listening to any of that. Like, not for the wealth. It's not for the money. It's not for the prestige. It's not for any of that. But literally just listening to my higher self and, you know, and wanting to to see myself and see my business do well so that I can help others, so that I can serve others. Like, even that. I find that when I move in that space, when I move in in that energy, I'm so much more successful. And so I hope that for you as well, you know, as you're looking at, like — and I'm being honest with you, it is a lot of hard work — so for you too, as you're in it and you're like, "Man, this is a lot of hard work." I just want to kind of affirm you. Um, I guess that's what I'm getting at. I really just want to affirm you and let you know that, "You know what? Yes, it is a lot of hard work, but if you are doing the hard work with the intentions of leaving the world a better place than you found it, then you will be rewarded for it and you'll be rewarded for it on a personal level and you'll be rewarded for it in your business as well."

All that's to say I am super excited for the new year. I'm super excited for this new decade. I am, like, ready to bring back the whole Roaring Twenties thing. Like, that is a whole vibe for me right now, I'm gonna be honest. And if that's you too, like, I want to hear about it. So listen, if you haven't already, please do, come join me over in the Hennapreneur Community on Facebook. I would love to hear what goals you have for your own business in 2020. What things are at the top of your to-do list, if you will? What things are at the top of your priorities in 2020? What things are you letting go of or doing more of? I want to know about it. So come join me inside of the group. I would love to hear about it from you, and until next time! I'll talk to you guys later.

Hey babe! I wanted to give you a quick thank you for tuning into the show today. That was super cool of you to hang with me all the way until the end. Of course, I've got all the links that you might need from this episode inside of the show notes that you can find at hennapreneur.com/podcast.

If you enjoyed the show and want to stay in the loop with Hennapreneur, be sure to subscribe to the podcast too. You'll get all of the new episodes as soon as they come out. I'd be so grateful if you'd take the time to rate or leave a review on Apple Podcasts while you're there. That tells iTunes that, "Hey! Hennapreneur is about something good!" and it helps us to reach more artists who would love the show. All right. That's all for today. I'll be back soon with another episode, but for now, let's get back to work, hennapreneurs!