Episode 054: The Impact Building A Business Has On Relationships (Part 2/4)

Differences in perspective can make all the difference in a relationship. Chelsea put all of her time and effort into growing her business with the thought that this would benefit her family. Meanwhile, Ahmed felt their marriage was being neglected by Chelsea putting so many hours into the business. As the gap between their visions for the future was growing, the couple had a traumatic experience within their family that widened the gap even further.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur for a continuation of the conversation with host Chelsea Stevenson and special guest Ahmed Mahgoub. They share how gaps in communication and differing perspectives on growing the business ultimately led to the end of their marriage.

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Episode 053: The Impact Building A Business Has On Relationships (Part 1/4)

Ahmed and Chelsea met in middle school, but didn’t get together romantically until Facebook reunited them ten years later. When they got married, Chelsea’s business was in it’s beginning stages. They divulge into the story of how Hennapreneur got off the ground and the impact that it had on their marriage. Ahmed was incredibly supportive of Chelsea’s goals for her business and their family and he moved into a head of household role as they were expecting their second child. He admits that this change was challenging for him and caused strain on their relationship.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur for a conversation with host Chelsea Stevenson and special guest Ahmed Mahgoub. They share these personal stories to give insight into the behind the scenes of what a relationship looks like during the growth stages of a business.

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Episode 052: Finding Independence in Your Henna Business w/ PRO Graduate Jo Kucala

Hey hennapreneurs, have you ever wondered what it would be like to work alongside me to build your business inside of my program, Hennapreneur PRO?

Today I want to take you behind-the-scenes where I’m interviewing one of our recent program graduates, Jo Kucala of Artfully Empowered in Minnesota.

As she was wrapping up her time with us inside the program, I touched base with her to chat about what her experience was like, how her business has changed since working with me, and what was her biggest takeaway as a program graduate.

You’ll get a little bit of a sneak peek of what it looks like to have some coaching with me, too, so definitely grab a drink, kick your feet up, and tune in to this behind-the-scenes chat with her. I think that you’re really going to enjoy it.

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Episode 051: So You Feel Like Quitting?

I see you. I know it's really hard sometimes when you are in the thick of your business doing all of the things and you're not getting the results that you're looking for. And sometimes it becomes so challenging that you start to reach a place where you go, “I don't know. I'm not sure if I can do this or if I want to do this. Maybe it's best if I just quit now. Maybe it's best if I just let it go.”

And if you are in that place right now, friend, or if you've recently passed through that place, or if you feel inside of yourself that you're beginning to reach that place, this episode is for you.

In this episode, I'm going to be sharing with you six different ways that I suggest you approach a little bit of internal inquiry and some practical things that you can do as well when you reach the place inside of your business where you feel like quitting.

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Episode 050: Marketing Your Business Outside of Social Media

Last week, global outages across the Facebook network left people all over the world without access to our primary social media platform for hours and hours on end. In response, I sent out a question to those Hennapreneurs over on our email list and I asked what would happen if it were to stay down.

I sent out the email wanting to know the answer to one very specific question: How would you keep your business going if social media weren't an option?

In response, I got a ton of feedback from the Hennapreneur community with all different types of ideas on how they would continue to market their businesses without social media platforms, and in response to that, I decided that I'd host a little one-on-one private chat via Zoom, of course, so that we could discuss some lessons, some key takeaways of what the outage really should have highlighted for each of us as business owners.

If you weren't there live for the session, I want to let you know that you're not going to find a replay on social, but I am going to treat you to the replay of that private session here on today's podcast and I hope that you enjoy it.

If last week's incidences made you wonder, "Hmm, how would I market my business outside of social?" Well, you're really going to enjoy this episode.

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Episode 049: Storytime: Enforcing Boundaries with Clients

The customer is always right, but are they? There are a few things as awkward as addressing clients who push against your boundaries as a business owner. More often than not, I hear from Hennapreneurs all over that they choose to bow to the client's demands in order to maintain the peace and to avoid any scandal around their business.

You may be surprised to hear though that this actually isn't something that I encourage. In this episode, I'm sharing two recent examples of instances where enforcing boundaries with my clients came into play. You'll hear the nitty-gritty details of what happened, who said what and how I handled each scenario.

If holding boundaries on your business is something you struggle with, grab your tea, because you're going to really enjoy this episode.

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Episode 048: Let's Talk Money Systems: "But Where Does Your Money Go?"

Many times as creatives turned entrepreneurs, we into the world of business with very limited exposure and experience to business finances.

In fact, many of the Hennapreneurs I consult with explaining that they don't have money systems in their business at all, because they feel overwhelmed by the whole idea, embarrassed that they don't know what they don't know, and really unsure about how to deal with their money once they get it in the bank.

In this episode, I'm breaking down some of the basic financial elements that I suggest building into your business for more sustainability and ease. If looking at your money or knowing what to do with it is something that makes you nervous. Then this episode is definitely for sure.

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Episode 047: You've Got Big Goals, But Do You Have Solid Foundations?

So often as business owners, we look to build the thing that excites us the most. We want to have the things ready, be it, our website or our logo or our branding. We want to be out there in the world showing up as our best selves, and we want people to buy in and book now, right?

In this episode, I'm sharing some of the inner workings of some of the mistakes. Honestly, that business owners make when they're looking to build a business out and aren't yet prepared with the foundational pieces that are necessary for their own. If you've got big audacious goals that you're chasing right now, and you're finding it hard to reach them.

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Episode 046: 3 Things I Wish I Would Have Invested In Earlier

When you're trying to grow a business, it can be hard to prioritize when and where to invest–especially from a financial perspective.

In this episode, I'm sharing three things that I wish I would have invested in earlier in my business, and perhaps you can see where there's some space for you to invest next, too.

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Episode 045: 3 Things to Release When You Aren't Yet Where You Want To Be

There's nothing quite like the pain of knowing that you desire and deserve more than what currently exists within your grasps in business. This is particularly true because our success is directly dependent upon our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. When your businesses grow, your personal fulfillment and your bank balance are all reflective of the work you put in. It can be particularly frustrating when you look around and find yourself satisfied or unhappy with what you've heard.

In this episode, I'm sharing three things that you need to release if you aren't where you want to be in your life and business today, so that you can get to doing the important work of bringing your dreams to reality.

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Episode 044: You Can Want What You Want & You Don't Need Anyone's Permission.

This highly tells women specifically that we can only make money. We can only be ambitious about making money. We can only be passionate about making money. We can only have these big aspirations for money. If we intend to sponsor someone else, we have underlying philanthropic motivations or we otherwise just to be very frank and tend to give it all away.

And generally speaking, we aren't socialized to own and accept the idea that we can make money and keep it, or use it for the ways that make us feel good. That would be frivolous. That would be selfish. That would be gross.

In this episode I want to talk to you about why you get to want what you want and how you don't need anyone's permission for that.

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Episode 043: My Shoe Story

When we approach our next level our identities are challenged. It is that question of Who are you? Who do you think you are? We begin to take inventory of all the ways and in which we perceive ourselves. We start to question and make assessments of our values. We ask ourselves, is it safe? Is it acceptable? And perhaps even morally sound to tow the edge of who we are now and where we hope to be.

In this episode I will tell you that this exact thing, this expanding, is an experience that exists at every stage of your life and business journey.

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Episode 041: Watching the Work Pay Off w. Alyssa Corbin

I am so excited to share this very special, very fun, and very inspiring episode with Alyssa Corbin of the Glitter Bee.

If you didn't know, Alyssa is also a participant to Hennapreneur PRO – my 12-month program where I teach all the things business, design, marketing strategy, et cetera, to help you learn to build your own thriving, profitable henna business.

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Episode 040: If You Want to Grow, You Have to Make Space

In today's episode, I'm sharing all about what it takes to grow, to create space and to allow ourselves a wider container for our own sustained growth and our own ability to move into the next iteration of our lives and henna businesses with success, and with ease, and in a way that feels really respectful of our needs at the current time.

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Episode 039: Are You Attracting Abundance?

In today's episode, I want to have a little conversation with you about the Law of Attraction, what it is to attract abundance, how to live in abundance, and how to reconfigure and rewire your belief systems to allow for a more abundant present and future outcome.

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Episode 038: Storytime: She Said I Sold Out My Art, I Say I Honored My Goals

One of the hardest and most hurtful, honestly, lessons that I've learned in my henna journey is – sometimes you can't take people with you. There are going to be times when you will outgrow people and places and spaces.

In today's episode, I'm sharing a story about how that showed up for me as I made the transition into a full-time artist with a henna boutique, and interestingly enough, this had nothing to do with the boutique at all. It actually came up in a festival setting of all places, but it was one of the moments that really defined for me that if I was going to grow, I had to be willing to do so, even if I didn't receive the support and validation of people who I thought would be in my corner.

If this resonates with you at all, you're really going to enjoy this episode.

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Episode 037: The Only Real Way to Success In Your Business

In today's episode, I'm breaking down the importance of differentiating between what is theory and what is practice, ideation versus execution, and why being very clear about that distinction is everything that you need to start building momentum towards securing the BAG, those big audacious goals that you've got for your life and your henna business right now.

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Episode 036: Stop With the Drama, Business is About Numbers

In this episode, I'm sharing how you bringing the drama is actually keeping you from paying attention to the most important things that will grow your business. Here, we're going to chat about the things that you actually need to focus on and how, sometimes, those things may be a little bit triggering, but how you have to be committed to your or big audacious goals if you want to see success.

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