June 08, 2021


Hennapreneur Virtual Summit & Retreat Announcement

Chelsea: Hey, hennapreneurs! This is Chelsea and I am so excited to share this special announcement with you about the upcoming Hennapreneur Retreat. In 2021, Hennapreneur is going to be hosting a retreat in two different capacities. We'll have a virtual online summit and our in-person retreat in October. This year, being held right in sunny Florida, in Orlando. And yes, we are definitely going to Disney!

I went live the other day on Facebook to share all of the juicy details and I want to make sure that you get them too.

Registration is open for the online summit with a special early bird price through June 19th. And you can reserve your room, if you'd like to come along with me to Florida, anytime between now and June 19th on the payment plan. So, I'm giving you a little bit of the details here.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to the team. You can email us at support @ hennapreneur.com or hop over to Hennapreneur.com/summit for the online details or Hennapreneur.com/retreat for the in-person retreat. I can't wait to see you guys there, and I'm so excited, so excited, to be able to find me and make this announcement to you.

So, here you go. Go ahead and check it out!

I'm here at the henna boutique today. I just wrapped up with my clients and I'm about to head out.  But I wanted to come and make an announcement to you guys. So  I don't want to take up a bunch of y'all's time today, but I am really, really excited to be able to make this announcement because it's something that I've been sitting on with team Hennapreneur and we actually were going to like, keep this under wraps. And I, wasn't going to share this with you until, like, two months from now. And then I was like, "No."

So, let me take a step back. Okay?

So, one of the most important lessons that I have learned in business is that you have to, have to, trust your gut. And you have to remain really, like, super aligned with your purpose and with your vision, right? And sometimes honoring your vision, and honoring your intuition, and honoring your purpose requires for you to make shifts and to make pivots from the plans that you may have already laid out, right?

And so,  with that said, when I coach the Hennapreneur PROs, right, inside of the program, I teach the PROs all the time that you have to be flexible. You have to be very agile in your business and sometimes you have to make changes and that that's okay. And so you guys are going to see that happen, like, in real time, right now, with me and with Hennapreneur, right?

So, with that said, I have a really important announcement for you in regards to the Hennapreneur Retreat and I'm really excited about it. And I hope that you guys are  as excited about it as I am.  I am so excited to be able to talk to you guys about this.

My name's Chelsea Stevenson and I am the founder of Hennapreneur. I'm a professional henna artist and business strategist here in Baltimore, Maryland. And I serve hennapreneurs all over the world to help them to build businesses with their art. And so, when I created Hennapreneur, I wanted to build a platform that would change the lives of henna artists all over the world, all over the globe. I didn't want people to have to be near me to be able to experience that. I didn't want to like... you know. And so, in building Hennapreneur, my vision and my mission was that I wanted to help more henna artists to build the lives and the businesses that they desire, using their art as their tool. Period, right? Like, that's it. Full stop. And I'm really grateful that up until now, I've been able to help henna artists across six different continents to grow their businesses. I mean, from those who tap into the free resources that are available inside of the community to, like, learn the ropes to even, like, those who start with the foundational knowledge inside of Mixology and Basic Design. You know, from those who do the work to build their design skills in The Design Lab to those who are opening their brick and mortar shops, their studios, their henna boutiques just like me, and building 5-figure businesses inside of Hennapreneur PRO alongside me.

Like, there is a vast expanse, if you will, of different experiences that are happening or that are had, rather, inside of the Hennapreneur community. And, um, you guys, right? You guys are... You've created such a space in my heart. Like, honestly, there's no other way for me to put that. You know, you all, you community members from all over the world and all of these different walks have a really special place for me. And I don't want to see them– I don't want to see you left out, right?

And so, here's the deal. Y'all have heard already about the Hennapreneur Retreat. I announced that we're going to be having the retreat in person later on this year, and also. I had a very, like, deep heart-to-heart with my team, because I was like, you know, "Listen, I'm really excited about the retreat. I can't wait to connect with these hennapreneurs in person, but like, if I can only bring 15 people with me, where does that leave everyone else?"

And this is where I say you have to be so well aligned with your vision, with your mission. Because for me, I'm like, I don't want to help 15 people at a time. I want to help way more than that, right?  I don't want to just see 10, you know, 10- 15 people walk out of this retreat and have great businesses. Well... obviously, like, that makes me super excited for them, but like, you know, I don't want to just be able to help those few people. I want to help people beyond that.

So here's the deal. Y'all ready for the tea? Oh, I'm so excited. Okay. Okay. I've decided to break this up in order to make it more accessible to more people, to more hennapreneurs, because that's what's important to me, right? And so, the Hennapreneur Retreat in 2021 it's going to exist in two different capacities: virtual and in person.

Y'all excited? Are y'all excited yet? I'm so excited! Like, okay.

So, let me kind of break down what this looks like, because it's going to be two separate experiences and they have two separate purposes. And so I'm going to share with you what those mean so that you can go and do the right thing. Like, what's the best thing for you, okay?

So, with that said, the virtual–.

So, hold on. We're going to have the virtual summit. That's the first part. The virtual summit is going to take place October 20th through the 22nd, okay? And that's going to be a hundred percent accessible online from anywhere in the world. You don't have to come to Florida to be able to participate in that. The virtual summit is going to be through those dates, okay? October 20th through the 22nd. The summit is going to follow the same structure that the in-person retreat typically does, okay?

So there is going to be three days of instruction. That instruction is going to be from me and also from an extended panel of other experts who are going to give you all of the best info that you need regarding your henna, regarding your business, regarding your branding, okay? So, there's that, right?

And I'm bringing–.

This is where you all know, like, I'm– oh gosh– I'm so excited. I can't even... Like, I literally am super giddy right now. You don't even know. I'm bringing in professionals from my personal network. My, like, my people. I'm bringing y'all my people for the summit, because I want you to be able to really have access to great resources to help you grow your business, even if you can't come in person, okay?

These are people who I collaborate with. These are people who I've hired. These are people who I work with. These are people who I love trust and know are going to do right by you. So all of the things henna, business, branding, we're going to tackle that in the three days of the virtual summit, okay?

Um, and I know that, you know, this is where I'm also like, okay, you really have to lean in and you have to know your people. So I know that some of us have not been working, right? I know that  some members of the community have been out of work for at least the last year. You're just getting back to it. I want to help also to make it easy for you to be able to get back in and to take advantage of the, like, amazing speakers and whatnot that are going to be participating in the summit.

So, with that said, I have a limited-time early-bird registration option that's going to be available between today, as in it opens today, until Juneteenth – which is June 19th, okay? Juneteenth. So from now through midnight, like, 11:59 PM, Juneteenth, you can register for the retreat, the summit, the virtual portion, online and you'll have it like for the early-bird whatever. okay?

So with the early bird, that's going to give you 300 bucks off registration, and yes, there is a payment plan. Yes, there is a payment plan, okay? So you can save your seat. It's 397 to save your seat for the three-day experience and, uh, without spoiling surprises, because there are always surprises with me: yes, it will be an experience.

Now I have to be super, super clear because like I said, I want you to pick what's best for you.

The virtual retreat is perfect for you, right? The virtual summit is perfect for you if you're in a place where you need help with the how, okay? Like, this is where I want to be super clear. If you're like: I want to know how to better approach my marketing, how to better approach improving my technical skills, my design skills, how to better manage the finances of my business, how to book more clients using social media, how to make more money using resources that I have right now

If those "how" questions are the things that you need answers to, and you're like, "I'm here for the info. I'm here for the intel. I want the details," then the online summit is perfect for you. It's perfect for you, okay?

So, during the Hennapreneur Virtual Summit, that's where we're really going to be focusing on the transference of knowledge. I want you to get, um, all of the information that you need to be clear on 'what do I need to do now and how do I need to do it?' Okay? So , like, if that's you, that's going to be your go-to.  And, uh, the summit is where you want it to be if you–. You're gonna want to be tuned in. Like, you're gonna wanna have your pen, you're gonna wanna have your paper. You're going to be ready to take notes. Like, this is a learning experience, okay?

Um, now, this is where it gets a little bit different because after the virtual summit, there's going to be some of you who are going to want to go deeper, right? That's just the nature of how this works.

After the virtual summit, there's going to be some of you who want to go deeper and that's where the retreat fits in, okay? That's where the in-person retreat fits in.

So, the Hennapreneur Retreat, this year, it takes place October 24th through the 29th in Orlando, Florida. Okay? It's five days. It's five nights. In-person. All-inclusive vacation/workation with me. And it's limited to 15 hennapreneurs. That includes accommodations. That includes private catering. That includes what you need to be there, okay? Literally, you just show up. I got you.

So,  with the in-person retreat, there is where we're going to spend the three days–. Well, It's more than that, but whatever. We'll spend three quote/unquote "instructional days", where we are going to be connecting in person in smaller group settings. Um, I'm going to have you there having small sessions and one-on-one strategy sessions with me. So that's where you get to have business coaching with me as well. Um, and I'm just so excited about that. Like, I love, I love that. I love to get my hands dirty in other people's business and like, I'll be on you like this. Like "What? Tell me more," but in person and you guys will just have to suffer me, okay?

So the retreat is perfect for you. This is where as there's a little bit of a distinction, okay? The retreat is perfect for you if you're in a place where you need more personalized feedback. You need more personalized attention. Um, the retreat is for you if you continue to–this is a big one– if you continue to find yourself stuck. You have heard lots of how-tos and you continue to find yourself stuck. You're not growing. You've reached your upper limit. You've reached that place where you're like, "I'm doing the things and it's no longer paying off the way that I wanted. I know that something needs to shift and I'm not sure what to do." That is where you want to come to the retreat. Just keeping it real with you. Like, if you're in that place, the Hennapreneur Retreat in person is where you need to be, okay? So there's that.

 The retreat is going to be heavy on relaxation because it is a retreat, but that's also where we're going to have lots of hard conversations. That's where we're going to be having coaching. We'll be doing lots of coaching with me, obviously, um, and mentorship, so that you can really, you know, be propelled forward inside of what you're doing.

And then we'll wrap up the three days of the instruction, if you will. Uh, we'll wrap up those three days with– I'm so excited! You guys already know.  I already announced it so it's no longer a spoiler, but we'll be wrapping up the three days of connection and community with a phenomenal day trip to Disney. So we're going to be going to Disney together because by the end of all of that, you will have deserved it. You will have earned it, okay? So anyone who attends the retreat in Florida–. Let me also be clear. Anyone who attends the retreat in Florida in person with me is going to get complimentary access to the online summit.  There's some thought process behind that, which I'm happy to share with you.

That's because I want you to have the chance to learn all the things from the experts that are speaking during the summit, that week prior, and then afterwards, you can bring your questions along with you so that you can get the answers that you need if you want to go deeper on those things that are taught during the summit online, when we meet in person that following week, then you'll be able to ask me those questions in person.

And not only will you get the answers to those questions, like a general answer, like what I can provide over a live, but you're going to get specific answers to what you need to know, but also what that means for your specific business, so that we can build some strategy around that too, so you actually leave with, like, 'this is a custom plan for me and I know exactly what my next steps are' okay?

So, um, this, I love. This, like, I'm so excited about this and I'm so excited about, um, being able to go deeper with those hennapreneurs who choose to do that at the retreat in person, as well.

 I should let you know, there is an application process for the retreat in person. My team is going to be using that to make sure that you have the best and most personalized experience. So, um, as I mentioned at the retreat, there will be many cohorts. And so, those cohorts are no more than five hennapreneurs who are in similar places in their business and so, um, in order for me to be able to place you to have the most effective, like, strategy sessions together, I want to place people who are in similar places together in groups, and then I'll be working with you in that smaller group as well, those smaller containers, so that you can get even more, like, high-touch experience and even more feedback from me. And also, you'll have the benefit of being able to mastermind with people who are where you are right now and who have similar goals to move to the next level, which is likely going to be a shared next level, you understand?

 So, um, this is really exciting and, um, I'm hopeful that, you know, having those mini mastermind sort of sessions will be helpful for you in building more effective strategy into your business, like, overall.

Uh, but then also, there's going to be mindset coaching while we're there. And that is done as a collective. So I want to make sure that, like, I'm clear there.  That's where everyone, all of the 15, will be doing those things together, because honestly,  the things that you need to know, the things that you need to apply, the lessons that need to be learned, um, from a mindset perspective in order to kind of move you forward to the next level, it really doesn't matter if you're making $500 a month or if you're making $5,000 a month, or if you're like me making 5-figures every month in your business, right?  Like, these things apply across all– like all the way. And so, those things that are relative to mindset and those things that are relative to really, like, getting beyond what's getting in your own way, um,  a lot of it is in here. Those are things that I will be guiding you through as a collective; so that's everyone together, okay? Um, and that applies to everyone, like, as a group. The things apply regardless of where you are in your journey.

So, I do want to let you know, also,  for the in-person retreat, there is an in-house payment plan. This is something I want to, like, be sure to clarify. There is an in-house payment plan for the retreat. And those who are, like, qualified US-based hennapreneurs, you can secure a more extended payment plan if you prefer it, with as low as, like, 290 bucks a month through our third-party funding option. So, there's that! 

I've given guys, like, tons of info, but long story short, if you want big gains in your henna business this year, Team Hennapreneur is really excited to be able to offer these things to you and–. What even happened right now? That's how you know I'm hype. I'm over here singing, for real. This is–. I've gotta reel it in. Okay.

Um, but yeah. If you're ready to go and you want to secure your spot for the virtual summit, I've got a link for you. And if you're like, "Hell yes, Chelsea! Not only do I want that, I want both. I'll see you in person. And also I'll be there on the summit as well 'cause we're going to do all the things," then I've got a link for you, too. So, um, yeah.

I'm really excited! Like, I, I just feel so good about this. I just feel so good about this and I cannot wait to see who's going to join me, uh, not only for, obviously, for the online summit, but definitely as well in person because, oh my gosh, this is going to be so much fun. Okay! I love y'all. I will talk to you later. I am well over my time. I should definitely be getting home right now. Um, and so, yeah, I'll see you all in a bit.