Episode 064: 3 Mantras for Your Growth Journey


3 Mantras for Your Growth Journey


Repeating a mantra to yourself every day can help you push forward when going through a period of growth or change in your henna business. When Chelsea began making major changes to her business in 2018, she encountered criticism from friends, other entrepreneurs, and clients who didn’t understand her vision. Ultimately, adopting these three mantras helped Chelsea stay on track and be more patient and understanding with herself. 

The first mantra is, “stop asking blind people to proofread your vision.” People do not know or understand your big picture and their criticism might discourage you. The second mantra is, “I do my best within the bounds of self respect with the cards of the moment, and everything else belongs to life”. According to Chelsea, this means you’re always doing your best with the information and resources available to you at the time. With that mantra in mind, you should be less critical of yourself because you do not control the outcomes of your actions. After going through a growth period, you may no longer feel aligned with your old path, and change can be intimidating. That’s where the third mantra comes in, “it's better to exist in the discomfort of what's unknown, than in the comfort of spaces that are familiar, yet do not serve me”. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn more about the three mantras Chelsea used to propel her growth journey forward. 


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Watch the 5 Biggest Mistakes New Henna Artists Make (And How You Can Avoid Them!) Training: https://www.hennapreneur.com/biggestmistakes

Download Chelsea’s Fool-Proof Natural Henna Recipe: https://www.hennapreneur.com/hennarecipe

This episode is sponsored by the free, on-demand training “The 5 Mistakes New Henna Artists Make (And How YOU Can Avoid Them)!” This training provides insider insight to working as a henna artist, combining years of first hand experience from a henna professional with a thriving henna business — and the specialized guidance of a business strategist and educator who has helped hundreds of students to start, grow, and scale their own henna businesses from scratch. With this in mind, this training is best suited for those beginning henna artists and enthusiasts who wish to begin working with henna for profit. Click here to watch the training now!

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