Episode 075: Taking The Leap w. Hennapreneur PRO Graduate Anndell W. of Henna Harvest

Are you still on the fence about taking the leap and pushing your henna business to the next level? In this episode of Hennapreneur, Anndell Wubben, Hennapreneur PRO Graduate and owner of Henna Harvest, talks with host Chelsea Stevenson about her experience with Hennapreneur and the incredible impact it has had on her business growth.

It is scary to take a leap of faith and make an investment in yourself. But if you never take that leap, you will never know what you could have accomplished. We are so much more capable than we give ourselves credit for. If you want to be working smarter, not harder, and achieve your dream of earning a full time income through your henna, it is time to commit to your dream and take that first step. Tune in to learn more!

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Episode 074: What's the 6-Figure Framework? And What Does It Work For Hennapreneurs?

Are you curious about Chelsea’s 6 Figure Framework and how it could work for your henna business? This framework has helped Chelsea and her students create successful six-figure henna businesses and made it possible for them to form the life they’ve always dreamed of. In this episode of Hennapreneur, host Chelsea Stevenson shares each step of her 6 Figure Framework. 

Achieving a six figure income with your henna business may feel like a far off dream, but it absolutely can be your reality if you are ready to follow Chelsea’s 6 Figure Framework. By setting yourself apart from other henna artists with super authentic and strategic brand positioning, you can stand out and have your individual art style make a name for itself. Tune in to learn more about each step of the 6 Figure Framework so that you can begin improving your henna business today.

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Episode 073: Can You Afford to Invest In Your Business?

Do you struggle with making investments in your business? It can be difficult to know when and where to invest, how much to pay yourself, and how to price your services. Most people do not have the proper financial education to make smart money decisions. If you find yourself having a poor relationship with money and finding money management difficult, Chelsea can help you to understand where you should invest for the most benefit to your business.

While it can be daunting to invest money, especially when you are first starting out, it is important to take that first step and really invest in yourself and your business. When you have more skin in the game, you are much more likely to be fully dedicated to your own success and your business will be better for it. Tune in for more!

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Episode 072: Word Of Mouth Isn't Enough. Here's Why.

Are you relying on word of mouth as a business marketing strategy? It’s understandable, especially when you’re early on in your business, that you’d be excited by people talking about you and your art. However, word of mouth is a passive strategy that is difficult to track and which can actually impact your business in a negative way rather than a positive one. In this episode of Hennapreneur, host Chelsea Stevenson talks about why word of mouth just is not enough as your main marketing strategy. 

When you’re early into your business and excitedly handing out business cards, stop and think for a moment what type of clients you want to attract. Be very intentional about your marketing strategy and use word of mouth only to fill in the gaps. Do not rely on word of mouth alone, because it is too passive of a tactic. It is impossible to track word of mouth and ensure that the types of people being drawn to your business are actually good clients.  Tune in for more!

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Episode 071: Why Your Money Goals Matter

Are you a henna artist that prefers to focus on your passion for the art instead of spending time worrying about finances? It’s great to be passionate about your art, but it is just as important, if not more important, to remember that you are also running a business. In this episode of Hennapreneur, host Chelsea Stevenson talks about why your money goals matter and how to feel more comfortable handling the numbers. 

Even though henna is an artistic pursuit, it is still a business and should be treated like one. Your money goals are important for determining exactly what steps you need to take within your business to be fulfilled and successful. By shifting your mindset about money, you can begin aligning your marketing plan with your short and long term goals. Tune in for more!

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Episode 070: How to Best Value Your Work

Have you been undervaluing your work? Many henna artists are doing themselves a disservice by pricing their work at rates far below their worth.  In this episode of Hennapreneur, host Chelsea Stevenson talks about how to best value your work and what to consider when creating your rates.

By focusing only on the quality of your art, you are forgetting all the wonderful things that really make clients want to work with you. Do not box yourself in. If you undervalue your work and don’t charge what you are worth, you will be unable to grow your business. Instead, consider what makes working with you a unique experience for your clients and base your rates on that value. Tune in for more!

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Episode 068: What One Year of Business Can Look Like For You!

Have you been wondering what your henna career could look like one year out if you started today? In this episode of Hennapreneur, host Chelsea Stevenson is joined by two professional henna artists, Shawna Junior and Kate Blaubach to talk about their experiences early on in their careers and where their businesses are now.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur for a conversation with host Chelsea Stevenson and special guests Shawna Junior and Kate Blaubach. Listen in as they share their individual journeys to becoming henna professionals and what they’ve been able to accomplish in a relatively short period of time. 

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Episode 067: Is This You? 5 Common Traits of My Most Successful Students

Do you know what it takes to be a successful Hennapreneur student? If you’re looking to accomplish more in a faster time frame than the industry standard, it helps to have a certain set of personality traits. When observing her students, Chelsea has found that many of her most successful students, the ones that get the farthest in the least amount of time, share 5 common traits.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn more about the 5 common traits of Chelsea’s most successful students.

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Episode 066: When Business Isn't Sexy: How to Avoid Backend Burnout

Are you struggling with burnout because you are trying to do too much by yourself for your henna business? One of the biggest reasons entrepreneurs end up with burnout is because they refuse to bring on help and try to juggle too many tasks on their own. Hennapreneurs are generally artists first and business owners second. If you are realizing that certain parts of running your business do not bring you joy, finding ways to automate or outsource them can save you in the long run.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn more about how to avoid burnout when doing back end business tasks and how automation and outsourcing can help you run your business more efficiently. 

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Episode 065: It's Crowded At The Bottom — Don't Stay There!

Are you stuck in a place where you feel unable to earn enough money with your art? Do you feel like you can’t raise your rates? If so, you’re missing out on opportunities and self-sabotaging your business. Chelsea explains that one of the major issues in so many entrepreneurial industries is that people undervalue themselves and price themselves into the bottom tier. Stop doing this, because there is abundance at the top waiting for you to seek it. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn more about why by keeping your rates low, you are standing in the way of your own success.              

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Episode 064: 3 Mantras for Your Growth Journey

Repeating a mantra to yourself every day can help you push forward when going through a period of growth or change in your henna business. When Chelsea began making major changes to her business in 2018, she encountered criticism from friends, other entrepreneurs, and clients who didn’t understand her vision. Ultimately, adopting these three mantras helped Chelsea stay on track and be more patient and understanding with herself.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn more about the three mantras Chelsea used to propel her growth journey forward.

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Episode 063: Let's Talk About Travel Fees

Have you been wondering whether or not to charge travel fees? Some options for covering travel are travel stipends, mileage, or time based fees that are separate from your base fees, or not charging travel fees at all. If you are not charging travel fees, you need to make sure you are adjusting your rates to cover your travel expenses.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn more about options for making sure your travel expenses are covered.

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Episode 062: 5 Beliefs That Are Keeping You Stuck in Your Henna Business

Are limiting beliefs holding you back from growing your business as a Hennapreneur? When speaking with her students, host Chelsea Stevenson noticed many of them have similar mindsets that are keeping them stuck in their businesses. If you feel like you are struggling to move forward with your henna business, Chelsea has tips for you. In today’s episode, Chelsea shares five common limiting beliefs that could be holding you back.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn about five beliefs that may be holding you back from growing in your business and how to move past them.

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Episode 061: Storytime! Why I Said "No" to The Bride at Her Mehndi Party

Are you a people-pleaser who struggles with setting boundaries with your clients? If you do not set boundaries, you are at risk of being taken advantage of in ways that can cause your business to suffer. If you are struggling with saying no, listen to this personal story experienced by host Chelsea Stevenson. In today’s episode, Chelsea discusses the importance of setting boundaries and sticking to them.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn the importance of boundaries and when to say no to a client so you can protect yourself and your business from unnecessary stress.

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Episode 060: Using Your Voice to Build the Life You Want

Do you struggle with using your voice to stand up for your needs? When you hide your voice, you don’t allow others to actually get to know the real you. If you struggle to find the confidence to stand up for yourself, your host Chelsea Stevenson has some helpful advice for you. In today’s episode, Chelsea discusses the importance of using your voice to build the life of your dreams.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn how to listen to your inner-child to harness that power of your voice so you can live a more fulfilling life.

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Episode 059: Why You're Losing Time, Money, and Growth

Are you standing in the way of your own opportunities for growth? So many people have big dreams for their personal and professional lives, but very few will actually make the necessary investments to achieve those dreams. If you are stuck doing what you feel is comfortable and afraid to make the changes you need to achieve your dreams, this episode is for you. In today’s episode, host Chelsea Stevenson discusses the importance of investing in yourself.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur for a discussion about the importance of investing your time and money into your professional life. Learn more about opportunity cost and why change is necessary for growth of your business.

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Episode 058: Let's Go Skydiving. Will You Take The Leap?

Are you one of those people who has a long bucket-list, but is too afraid to trust yourself to take the leap? If so, this episode is for you. In today’s episode your host, Chelsea Stevenson, discusses ways to build trust in yourself and understand that there are truly no safety nets in life.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur for a much needed pep-talk about taking risks. Learn how to identify what plane you’re currently sitting in, so that you can build the trust in yourself that you need to leap into your new life.

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Episode 057: 3 Tips for Better Quarterly Planning

Chelsea always makes time for quarterly planning because it is the only way to ensure that her actions will yield results. According to Chelsea, there are three essential tips to help hennapreneurs start or improve their quarterly planning. These tips include: structuring your business plan around your desired personal life, setting your rates based on the hours you desire to work, and breaking projects down into goals with easy-to-track milestones.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur to learn how to utilize quarterly planning to ensure greater success and fulfillment in both your business and your personal life.

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Episode 056: The Impact Building A Business Has On Relationships (Part 4/4)

Ahmed and Chelsea had a gap in their communication, understanding and needs throughout their marriage. By taking a step away from each other through their divorce, they were able to better see and address that gap. They acknowledge that the gap is smaller now than it was before, because now they are able to grow separately and appreciate that growth for each other.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur for the final installment of the conversation with host Chelsea Stevenson and special guest Ahmed Mahgoub. Learn how they faced their challenges both together and apart and the implications this had for their marriage and Chelsea’s business.

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Episode 055: The Impact Building A Business Has On Relationships (Part 3/4)

For Ahmed, it all comes back to perspective and a gap in communication styles. He was proud to see Chelsea’s business thriving, but felt that at times it took too big a priority over himself and their family. While Chelsea could use the business as an escape from the problems they were facing, Ahmed did not have that opportunity and felt that he was juggling things at home on his own. However, he did not express this to Chelsea during their marriage, because he wanted her to keep doing what was making her happy.

Tune into this week’s episode of Hennapreneur for a continuation of the conversation with host Chelsea Stevenson and special guest Ahmed Mahgoub. They dive even deeper into how certain events changed their individual perspectives, influencing both the business and their marriage.

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